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I’m sorry to be the one to break the news, but if you are looking to make this your best year ever, then that gym membership is not the only resolution you have to make. Here’s why you should consider Acupuncture as part of your New Year’s REVOLUTION.

Who are you and why are you here?

Usually, we talk about what we DO. Rarely do we talk about who we really are. And often we struggle with conflicting messages about why we are here on earth in this time, and why Southern California of all places?

The deeper truth that resides in our hearts speaks to us often, but amidst the chaos of urban life and changing times, it is easy to forget to listen. Still, each of us has touched that heart space and hears the call daily to something greater, and for many of us, the gap between where we are now and where we see
ourselves headed is overwhelming and often paralyzing.

This time of year beckons us to reflect deeply on our true nature, to observe the stillness and look within. Chinese Medicine refers to winter as the season for nourishing the seeds of Destiny. Many of the seasonal illnesses we see come from an unnatural amount of activity and stress during this season when nature rests.

So, in order to feed the spirit, and truly care for the body during this time, we need to create a strong foundation. Winter is the beginning of the year, and the opportune time to create powerful intentions for the seasons to come. Our foundation consists of Four Pillars:
1. Guidance: from one who knows the path and is has been where you are, and can hold you accountable to your own inner guidance.
2. Healing: engaging your destiny means stepping up in a bigger way, and constantly evolving, and so we need to integrate our bodies and our spirits continuously.
3. Community: the reflections and support and of your tribe are essential in this time, and winter often brings people together in deep conversation and connection.
4. Inspiration: giving and serving every day is exhausting, and we need to reconnect regularly to our core, our purpose, our practice, and the people who inspire us to greatness.

Community Acupuncture is designed to meet the needs of an evolving community by providing this solid foundation you can depend on. We can provide you with the guidance and the healing needed to make a plan for optimal health in 2010, and support you to follow through. And because Community Acupuncture brings people together with this intention for deeper healing, we can also provide you with a source for never-ending inspiration to claim your Destiny and create the life of your dreams now…not wait till next year.

If you are ready to make this year REVOLUTIONARY, Contact Eric Baumgartner L.Ac. Herban Shaman and Founder of Urban Remedy Community Acupuncture in Venice, California. Eric@urbanremedy.org 310-396-8928.

MHM Art Gallery

The gallery is now taking submissions from artists around the world for the chance to have their artwork printed in Melrose Heights Magazine. Submission is free!

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MHM Contest

Cover Girl Contest  The search is on for a fresh new face! Win the Melrose Heights Magazine Cover Girl title and other valuable prizes, such as health products from The Farmacy, a contract from the Melrose Heights Art Management, and more.

Cover Girl Contest 

The search is on for a fresh new face! Win the Melrose Heights Magazine Cover Girl title and other valuable prizes, such as health products from The Farmacy, a contract from the Melrose Heights Art Management, and more.

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